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I offer INDIVIDUAL or COUPLE support to prepare you for childbirth.

I also offer INDIVIDUAL or GROUP follow-up for postnatal fitness.

Consultations can be conducted in French or in English.

Maternity Chirec Delta

Being accredited at MATERNITY CHIREC SITE DELTA since 2016,

I can also be present on the day of delivery in the delivery room, and provide follow-up care during your stay in the maternity ward.

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Benedicte Demain



Prenatal haptonomy for couples

During prenatal haptonomy sessions, I welcome you as a couple. I'll help you visualize how your baby is positioned in the womb and to make his or her presence more concrete. I will guide your partner so that he/she can interact with their child before birth. For example, the baby can be invited to snuggle in his daddy's (or second mummy's) hand, or to play with his tiny feet.

Babies love it, moms are happy to be able to share their feelings with their partner at last, and dads (or second moms) come away from these sessions in awe. These sessions can start at around 25 weeks of amenorrhea, or later in the pregnancy if you feel like it.

kiné prénatale individuelle

Individual prenatal physiotherapy

Prenatal physiotherapy sessions, whether individual or in couple, include both theoretical and practical sessions. These appointments start around 30-32 weeks of amenorrhea.

By the end of these sessions, you'll know..:

  • how the baby descends into the pelvis during childbirth.

  • how to recognize a contraction.

  • when to come to the hospital on the big day.

  • what to do during labor to help your baby descend: different breathing techniques, relaxation and visualization techniques, positions on balloons, facing the bed, facing your partner and in the bath.

  • how your partner can massage away the pain of contractions.

  • how the anesthetist places the epidural and its effects.

  • how to push effectively to help your baby be born.

  • what the pelvic floor is, and how to contract and relax it.

  • how to reassure a newborn baby, swaddle him, carry him, position him so he doesn't get a flat head, relieve colic, help him fall asleep.

  • what are the stages in a baby's normal development from birth to walking.

Back or leg massage sessions are always available, as pregnancy is a time for pampering. This effectively relieves cervical, back, intercostal, lumbar or sciatic nerve pain, as well as heavy legs.

Kiné postnatale individuelle

Individual postnatal physiotherapy

During individual postnatal sessions, your baby is always welcome!


We work on posture in general, strengthening the abdominal muscles, perineum, back, buttocks, shoulders and arms, as well as the thighs.


Yoga postures are always incorporated into muscle-strengthening sessions to stretch the back.

For C-section patients, I use LPG® to lift the scar and avoid adhesions. This accelerates healing. This treatment can start 2 months after the C-section. LPG® is also very effective on fresh stretch marks that may have appeared during pregnancy. It smoothes them and accelerates healing. This treatment can be started 4 to 6 weeks after delivery.

The postnatal sessions are also an opportunity to ask your questions, as you'll have plenty of them in the first few weeks. Sport improves self-esteem, boosts your energy and relaxes. You'll come away from these sessions with your batteries recharged.

I offer babywearing sessions for newborns. You'll be able to try out different carrying systems at the practice, first with a doll, then with your baby. You'll then know which carrying system suits you best.

Kiné postnatale en groupe

Collective lesson (postnatal)

I also offer GROUP CLASSES (without babies) for mothers who have returned to active life.


Following on from postnatal gymnastics, there will be exercises to strengthen the abdominals, pelvic floor, back, buttocks, legs and arms. All based on Pilates and yoga.


These sessions take place on fridays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm (maximum 6 people).


Registration by sms to +32 479/29.55.28

Kiné pédiatrique

Pediatric physio & neuropediatrics

Pediatric physio (method Bobath) involves stimulating your baby's or toddler's psychomotor development to help him or her acquire all the steps up to walking.

I also see babies with plagiocephaly ("asymmetrical flat head") or brachycephaly ("symmetrical flat head"), or positional or congenital torticolis.

You can also contact me for respiratory physiotherapy for your baby with bronchiolitis or other lung infections.

Kiné sein

Physiotherapy after breast cancer surgery

Having worked for more than 4 years at the Jules Bordet Institute, I monitor patients who have undergone breast cancer surgery during their post-surgical treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and after remission) in order to maintain soft tissue flexibility (muscles, skin) and articular amplitude of the shoulder.


Individual consultations

Collective lesson

Monday :         from 10h to 12h & 12h30 to 17h30

Tuesday :         from 13h15 to 17h15

Wednesday :  from 8h45 to 11h45

Thursday :       from 09h to 12h & from 13h to 17h

Vendredi :       from 08h45 to 11h45 & from 13h30 to 17h30

Friday :     from 12h30 to 13h30


Video-conferencing appointments via Zoom for patients confined to bed during pregnancy or temporarily abroad.


Avenue Pierre Devis 18 boite 11

1160 Auderghem

© 2023 by Indeso SRL.

#GardenMedicalCenter #Benedicte Demain

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