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Bénédicte Demain

Physiotherapist since July 2002, I quickly specialized in perinatal care and pediatrics. To help you prepare for childbirth, I offer individual or couple support.

Prenatal physiotherapy sessions are both theoretical and practical, so that you have all the tools you need to facilitate your baby's arrival. These sessions start 2 months before delivery, at around 30-32 weeks of amenorhoea.

To enable your partner to establish a relationship with your baby as early as 25 weeks' gestation, I offer couples prenatal haptonomy sessions. Highly appreciated by baby, mom and dad, these sessions enable both parents to enter into communication with their child and better understand his or her position in utero and what they feel moving in the mother's womb.

After the birth, I offer postnatal physiotherapy sessions, to which your baby is always welcome. These sessions can start 4 weeks after a natural birth, or 6 weeks after a Caesarean section.

I also run pediatric first aid workshops, which will enable you to master the first aid techniques needed to help your baby or child in distress. These workshops will start in 2024.


I have been accredited at the CHIREC Delta site maternity ward since 2016. I can therefore accompany you there in the delivery room if you wish, and during your stay at the maternity ward.


Bobath physiotherapist, I also accompany babies and children with psycho- or neuro-motor development delays, as well as babies with torticollis with a 'flat head' (brachycephaly or plagiocephaly). I also do pediatric respiratory physio.

Having worked at Bordet, I follow breast cancer patients throughout their treatment, and for years afterwards.

Benedicte Demain-sansSoutien.jpg
+32 479 29 55 28
Bénédicte demain
Roxane Ister

Roxane Ister

As a psychologist specializing in professional coaching, I offer targeted support for a desired change in your professional life. During sessions, I listen, ask questions and use various tools and exercises to stimulate reflection and the search for solutions. Session content varies according to the coaching objective, your needs and your current state of mind. We decide together on the number and frequency of sessions.

Consultations on Wednesdays from 8am to 1pm and Thursdays from 1:30pm to 8:30pm.

Emmanuelle Hayward

“Happiness is living a rich and meaningful existence”

A large part of the scientific literature shows us that mismanagement of our thoughts and emotions through avoidance processes leads us away from our own life values.

My job is to be the "go-between" who will enable you to manage your mental processes differently, so that you can reconnect to a life rich in meaning.

Mindfulness, acceptance and the stimulation of committed action are my working tools.

Population : Adults

Types of approaches : 3rd Wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT Therapy), Mindfulness Therapy. Individual interventions only


Issues : Depressive spectrum, anxiety disorders, stress, burn-out, eating disorders, body image disorders, non-compliance with treatment...

And even … Bariatric psychology: preoperative interviews and postoperative support

Consultations on Tuesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Consultations can be done in French or English.


Please note that I am not taking on any new patients at the moment.


Please contact my colleague Ms Justine Verlinden (0473 34 16 40).

Emmanuell Hayward
Elisbeth le metais
Elisabeth Le Metais.jpg
+32 456 14 96 13

Élisabeth Le Métais

Public : toddlers, children, adolescents, young adults, young parents


Welcomes patients, from infants and their parents in the first few months, to children and adolescents, young adults with various difficulties (friendships, family, school, physical ...).

Support for parenting issues and the first bonds of attachment in adoptive families.

Consultations on Wednesday from 1:30pm to 8:30pm.

Fiorella Germeau

Fiorella Germeau

Psychologue clinicienne conventionnée et Psychologue du travail de longue date (1988), je reçois les jeunes adultes et adultes en thérapie individuelle ou en thérapie de couple (français et italien).


Mes choix de vie ont été inspirés par ma passion pour les êtres humains et leur richesse, mais également par un profond désir d’apporter un peu de douceur en ce monde. Au début de ma carrière, j’ai réalisé des recherches sur la gestion des conflits, j’ai été consultante en ressources humaines dans un cabinet de conseil. 


Mon approche de la thérapie est dite intégrative. Il m’apparaît crucial de retenir les théories qui peuvent convenir à chacun, mais également à ses objectifs : thérapie d'orientation humaniste, thérapie d’Acceptation et d’Engagement (ACT), thérapie des émotions, thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) ainsi que la thérapie orientée solutions. 


J’interviens pour toute personne à partir de 12 ans :

1) dans sa vie personnelle et/ou familiale :

manque d’assurance, de confiance en soi, accompagnement dans les parcours de vie, recherche de sens, recherche d’équilibre personnel, difficultés de couple, deuil, troubles de l’humeur (dépression, bipolarité), troubles anxieux, accompagnement des personnes à potentiels multiples (HP), soutien aux parents/enfants et d'enfants/de parents en souffrance psychique, soutien pour vivre mieux les questionnements de votre adolescent, connaissance du système scolaire belge…

2) dans sa vie professionnelle :

vivre autrement ses émotions, son stress, les transitions professionnelles, les conflits au travail, le burn-out (épuisement professionnel) mais également le bore out, ...


En thérapie, je veille tout particulièrement :


  • au respect du patient dans sa dignité, sa liberté de choix et de pensée,

  • à réorienter le patient si nécessaire : dans certains cas, la psychologie n’est pas la réponse la plus adaptée


Consultation : les jeudis de 8h à 13h.

Sarah Parisel

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Trained in systemic therapy, I work with teenagers or adults and help them to better understand what you're going through and find ways to improve a well-being.

I work on issues such as relationship difficulties, life changes, anxiety, burnout and/or parental burnout. My professional career allowed me to develop a particular sensitivity to parenthood issues - single parenthood, conflictual separation, interpersonal violence, trauma, gender-related issues.

Works with: teenagers, adults - individuals, couples and families

Appointments: Fridays, 8h to 13h.

Sarah Parisel
Barbara De Limbourg

Barbara de Limbourg

Diplômée en kinésithérapie depuis janvier 2016 et passionnée par la périnatalité,  je me suis spécialisée dans l’accompagnement pré et post-natal ainsi qu’en périnéologie. 


La préparation à la naissance vous permettra d’acquérir des outils afin de vivre au mieux  la naissance de votre/vos bébé(s). 


Grâce à mon accréditation à la maternité du Chirec site Delta, je peux vous proposer un accompagnement en salle d’accouchement ainsi qu’un suivi post-partum à la maternité si vous le souhaitez. 


Les séances de rééducation post-natale vous aideront à retonifier vos abdominaux, votre périnée ainsi que l’ensemble de votre corps.


Ma formation en rééducation périnéale me permet, suite à une demande de votre part, de tester votre périnée et d'adapter votre prise en charge en fonction de ce bilan. 


Enceinte et envie d’un moment de bien être, de détente? Je suis également formée en massage prénatal. 


Il est important à mes yeux que chaque accompagnement soit personnalisé et adapté à vos besoins. 

Consultations : les mardis de 8h à 13h.

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+32 474.438.366

Sarah de Jong

Clinical psychologist specialised in health psychology, I trained in psycho-oncology and in alcohology. I support issues such as anxiety and depression disorders, difficulties with emotions, chronic diseases, identity-related questions, self-esteem, etc. My approach is soft and collaborative and find its roots in the cognitive emotive behavioral therapies, to which I like to add several creative tools when it is relevant.

My professional experiences, as a clinician as well as in the scientific research, allowed me to integrate various perspectives and to discover different approaches that enhance my practice to support each person at best.


Public : adolescents and adults.

Consultations : on Fridays from 1.30pm to 8.30pm

Sarah De Jong

Takako Omata

Therapeutic coaching, systemic family therapy

Consultation in Japanese, French and English

Going through difficult life phases can give us a feeling of helplessness, of loss of control over our own existence. And make us feel the need to be guided.

As a practitioner in brief systemic therapy, I can guide you to consider personalized solutions. Systemic therapy does not seek to analyze and certainly not to judge but rather to bring out the person's own resources and their capacity to learn new things to find meaning and objectives.

Solution-oriented, I can certainly help you (re)feel more free, responsible and serene. Brief therapies, thanks to practical tools but above all listening, make it possible to address suffering and facilitate change in circumstances of:
anxiety, stress
mourning, separation, loneliness
family or marital conflict, child
professional or social conflict

Consultation: Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For other times contact me

Also possible remotely

Omata Takako.jpg
+32 473.234.378
Takako Omata
Delphine Vanderperren
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+32 488.90.54.88

Delphine Vanderperren

Consultations in french only.

You can contact me by mail at or by phone : +32 488 90 54 88

Consultation : Friday from 13h30 to 20h30




The practice opened its doors in January 2022 in a modern building on a quiet block overlooking the garden.


Avenue Pierre Devis 18 boite 11, 1160 Auderghem

Car access

at the entrance to Bruxelles-Est, disc parking in and around the street.

Bike access

Spaces provided inside, after the gate, straight ahead, then left.

Subway access

Line 5 - Herrmann-Debroux Station

Bus access

34 - Stop Auderghem Shop

41 & 72 - Herrmann-Debroux

De Lijn - Herrmann-Debroux

Tramway access

Line 8 - Stop Auderghem Shop



Avenue Pierre Devis 18 boite 11

1160 Auderghem

© 2023 by Indeso SRL.

#GardenMedicalCenter #Benedicte Demain

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